The property management system is a cloud-based software, designed to run property management business and meet landlords’ & tenants’ needs in an innovative & digital manner.
It provides a long list of features and options to automate & improve the business. The system is very flexible and can be tailored in accordance with business needs individually.
vPMS is ideal for small and medium size property management companies and for any type of property, such as living (homes & apartments) & commercial/business.
The System operates on any device and is accessible from any place
vPMS is featuring a wide list of business tools for property management companies:
Automated calculation and billing for utility services & monthly payments (HOA)
Automation of other internal busineaa processes, related with servicing tenants & property owners
Easy reporting and analyzing for business owners
Opportunity to provide additional services / products in comfort of tenants & property owners
Have your own customized management & business tools with us:
Property management tools
Services & fees management
Automated billing & settlement
Tenants & Resisdents web interface & app (coming soon)
Online paymets
Tenants have an access (WEB*) to the following sections:
Bills & statements
Services request
Communication with property management company
and much more…
* a web page for tenants can be branded in accordance with property management company corporate style. A mobile app can be created upon request.
Request free trial for 3 months
The following options & features are available to fulfill property management business:
The system is very flexible and has the following options and possibilities:
very user-friendly interface
Different user roles & access management
iOS & Android app. for tenants
integration with accounting systems
API services for integration with other systems and apps